Log in to WordPress to make edits as follows

Well, I’ve been away from the blog for long enough to fall foul of the introduction of 2 factor authentication, meaning I couldn’t get in to my site to make changes.

I found two approaches, the first is a way (now the only way?) of making edits on a smartphone directly within the JetPack app. What has JetPack got to do with editing WordPress I hear myself ask? Although Jetpack is the new preferred method, its introduction is far from intuitive, given the lack of WordPress branding, unless of course you simply get used to it by using it all the time.

The second way of logging in is to open the WordPress.com website and when prompted to enter a code. Forget about using the text me the code option as nothing happens. Instead go to smartphone and open the Google Authenticator. On opening the app, it was ready with the code, which was then typed into the WordPress requested field on desktop. I was in at last.

I clearly must have set up these two methods and with so much time away and therefore lack of practice, I’d clean forgotten these new methods. I was clearly still recalling the original method of logging into the WordPress.com website. A case of old dog, new tricks.